Is Entrepreneurship Right For You? | Integral App Studio
Integral App Studio



Is Entrepreneurship Right For You?

Entrepreneurs are driven, passionate individuals who want to excel in a specific area for the greater good of themselves and the world. They dive into what makes them happy and the byproduct tends to be success.

That is the generic version used widely by most…

But, in my eyes, after working with hundreds of entrepreneurs on achieving their goals, they are just real people with real ideas that want to do something really different. They seek excitement, the joy of starting something new and fresh and are up to compete for the benefits of their company, their families and their customers.

Risk plays an important role in determining if entrepreneurship is right for you, but for someone like myself, there really is no alternative. Personally, I can’t see myself living my life any other way, even knowing full-heartedly what risks are at stake when starting a new project.

Here are five main reasons to become an Entrepreneur:

  1. Money

  2. Flexibility of being your own boss.

  3. Control over decision making.

  4. Picking the team you want to work with.

  5. Legacy: Leaving your footprint.

Did you know Entrepreneur is a French word for “Risk Taker”?

I believe this lifestyle can be for everyone, no matter if it is a full-time opportunity, a side-gig or utilizing a team to carry out your vision and do the heavy lifting. Everyone can create another stream of income, if you invest your time and money, the right way.

With App Revenue estimated to be at $250 Billion a year by 2020, doubling since 2015, I see this as a true investment opportunity to gain wealth in a way that truly helps people streamline their daily at-home and work lives. We can be successful by making something truly rewarding for our end users. You know what they say about everyone having an opinion? The same goes for ideas.

Given a 10 percent chance of a 100-times payout, you should take that bet every time. Failure and invention are inseparable twins. To invent you have to experiment, and if you know in advance that it’s going to work, it’s not an experiment.” - Jeff Bezos AKA Richest Man In The World

What does it mean to you to be an entrepreneur? What images arise when you see that word? Feel free to share in the comments section. I would love to hear everyone’s definition.